Pickleball Finland
XMAS Games 2021
Welcome to play pickleball in December 2021 in Espoo, in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere! This will be our 5th Christmas tournament and first in 2 years, due to Covid. Pickleball is fun, so come along and enjoy the day by playing the fastest growing sport in America! Everyone is warmly welcome, regardless of their age or skill level.
(Read tournament info in Finnish >>)
Tournament details:
Date & time: Saturday 4th December, 2021 at 9.00am–7.00pm (schedule will be confirmed later). Please reserve enough time for the tournament day!
Venue: Targa Arena, Ullanmäentie 21, 02750 ESPOO, Finland. (Map: https://goo.gl/maps/wU4BXCfm9WVtKeTy8)
Women's Open Doubles
Men's Open Doubles
Men's Doubles 60+
Mixed Open Doubles
Female Doubles teams are allowed to participate also in Men's Open Doubles
In addition to Mixed Open Doubles, men can play only in one Doubles event
Tournament fees: one category = 30 €/player, two categories = 50 €/player. VAT 10% will be added.
Tournament ball: Penn 40 ball (yellow, USAPA approved)
The tournament will be played on tennis courts (GreenSet Comfort surface)
Three (3) best teams in each category will be awarded with medals and winners with pickleball items. Other possible prizes will be announced later
The organizer has the right to combine or cancel events if insufficient entries.
In each event the minimum is four (4) teams and guaranteed minimum amount of games for each team is four (4). However, we try to offer each team as many games as possible. It all depends on the number of registered teams.
Please send in your registration as soon as possible, deadline for registration is Saturday 27th November 2021 at 11.45pm (EET). If player cancels their registration after 29th November, the tournament fees will not be refunded. However, if the minimum amount of teams have not registered, the registration fees for that specific catergory will be refunded. Same applies if a partner can't be found for a player in event registered or the tournament must be cancelled based on Covid restrictions by the authorities.
Go to registration (SportyHQ software) >>
Update Nov. 15: Payments with credit cards issued by NORDEA BANK work again. If you have already registered and "paid" with a Nordea credit card (before Nov. 15), please send ASAP email at tournaments@pickleballfinland.fi.
Check out if you're legit to arrive in Finland: https://raja.fi/en/guidelines-for-border-traffic-during-pandemic
Please try to confirm your playing partner already before sending your registration. Tell her/his name in the registration form. This procedure saves a lot of time and unnecessary payment refunds
Please note that each player must fill the registration form individually
If your intention is play in two events, please register to both of them at the same time. The system does not allow registrations and payments made one by one for each event
We might have more men than womes registering in Mixed Doubles which means everyone may not be able to have a partner
Even though you wouldn't have partner(s) beforehand, you are still welcome to register. We will try to find partner(s) for you
More pickleball available on Sunday morning at 10–12am. Price 5 euros.​
Organizer and more info:
Pickleball Finland, Tuomo Antikainen, tournaments@pickleballfinland.fi.​
Our sponsors:
We're proud to co-operate with our long-term American partners Selkirk Sport, Paddletek and PickleballCentral.com, all industry-leading companies! Thanks for supporting our event!